Anger Management For Dummies is not one of those 12-step books where you have to read (and follow the advice) of Step 1 before you can proceed to Step 2, and so on. It’s a resource book containing all the information I have at my disposal after four decades of combined clinical practice and scientific research on anger management. You don’t have to start with Chapter 1 and read straight through to the end of the book. You can look at the Table of Contents, find something that interests you, and start there. You may want to focus on the area in which you’re having the most trouble controlling your temper — at work, for example. Or you may want to head straight for a chap-ter on managing stress (one of the most common causes of anger). I’m not even going to suggest that you read the whole book — that’s up to you. Be like my bassett hounds and go where your nose (or in this case, your eyes!) lead you. Trust me, you’ll get where you need to be.