Suicide is a serious, yet tragically underrecognized, public health problem that claims approximately 30,000 lives each year in the United States. Cast in its societal...
Prior to the military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, wars and conflicts have been characterized by such injuries as infectious diseases and catastrophic gunshot wounds....
In 2010, more than 105,000 people were injured or killed in the United States as the result of a firearm-related incident. Recent, highly publicized, tragic...
Reliable and valid forensic science analytic techniques are critical to a credible, fair, and evidence-based criminal justice system. There is widespread agreement that the scientific...
Proactive policing, as a strategic approach used by police agencies to prevent crime, is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. It developed from...
Violence against women is one factor in the growing wave of alarm about violence in American society. High-profile cases such as the O.J. Simpson trial...
The current state of science in violence prevention reveals progress, promise, and a number of remaining challenges. In order to fully examine the issue of...
Reports of mistreated children, domestic violence, and abuse of elderly persons continue to strain the capacity of police, courts, social services agencies, and medical centers....
On February 26—27, 2014, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Global Violence Prevention convened a workshop titled Mental Health and Violence:...
By conservative estimates, more than 16,000 violent crimes are committed or attempted every day in the United States. Violence involves many factors and spurs many...
Every year, about 30,000 people die by suicide in the U.S., and some 650,000 receive emergency treatment after a suicide attempt. Often, those most at risk are...
Violence against women and children is a serious public health concern, with costs at multiple levels of society. Although violence is a threat to everyone,...
Bullying has long been tolerated as a rite of passage among children and adolescents. There is an implication that individuals who are bullied must have...