Home » Archive by category "psychological"
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological
Behavioral and social\, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, psychological, Psychology, Woman


Violence against women is one factor in the growing wave of alarm about violence in American society. High-profile cases such as the O.J. Simpson trial...
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological, Psychology
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, psychological

_Understanding and_Preventing_Violence

By conservative estimates, more than 16,000 violent crimes are committed or attempted every day in the United States. Violence involves many factors and spurs many...
Behavioral and social\, Law/ Justice, National Academic Press, Psychiatry, psychological


Every year, about 30,000 people die by suicide in the U.S., and some 650,000 receive emergency treatment after a suicide attempt. Often, those most at risk are...
Dummies, psychological


Anger Management For Dummies is not one of those 12-step books where you have to read (and follow the advice) of Step 1 before you can...

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