Home » Extensive SERIES » 2018-10-01_iPad_User_Magazine_DM



  • The iPad gets more and more powerful every year, and I mean that in every sense. This issue, not only do we have our review of the new iPad Pro, which has the same processor power as Apple’s professional laptops, but we’ve also got our huge feature on the new Shortcuts app, which arrived in iOS 12. It’s not often that you can say the addition of an app really changes how you’ll use a tablet, but Shortcuts is different. It opens iOS up to customisation in ways that weren’t possible before – you can make your iPad do things Apple never gave you options for, or speed up (and even totally automate) tasks you perform regularly. It really is an amazing new tool. On top of that, we also dive deeper into some of the new tools iOS gives you, including the way it handles your passwords and security, as well as the new Screen Time feature. Plus, we’ll see how Notability could make your next meeting or research so much easier to digest later, as well as how the VSCO app, loved by professionals, enables you to create a unique style for your photos.
  • 24 pages

The iPad gets more and more powerful every year, and
I mean that in every sense. This issue, not only do we
have our review of the new iPad Pro, which has the same
processor power as Apple’s professional laptops, but
we’ve also got our huge feature on the new Shortcuts
app, which arrived in iOS 12.
It’s not often that you can say the addition of an app
really changes how you’ll use a tablet, but Shortcuts is
different. It opens iOS up to customisation in ways that
weren’t possible before – you can make your iPad do things
Apple never gave you options for, or speed up (and even
totally automate) tasks you perform regularly. It really is
an amazing new tool.
On top of that, we also dive deeper into some of the
new tools iOS gives you, including the way it handles your
passwords and security, as well as the new Screen Time
feature. Plus, we’ll see how Notability could make your next
meeting or research so much easier to digest later, as well
as how the VSCO app, loved by professionals, enables you
to create a unique style for your photos.


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