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The_Creation of the_State of_Israel

The_Creation of the_State of_Israel

  • Grade 10 Up—This collection of excerpts and essays provides a solid foundation in the history of one of today's most complex and controversial situations. The introduction is an overview of Zionism and Jewish immigration to Palestine before 1948. Several excerpts from British newspapers discuss the British mandate in Palestine after the First World War and the possibility of establishing a Jewish national home, and selections from leaders from both sides of the country's divide argue for and against the partition of Palestine into two states, as laid out in the U.N. resolution in 1947. Opposing viewpoints are also presented on the subjects of whom to blame for the area's instability and whether Palestinian refugees should be allowed the right of return. Personal narratives from Israelis, Arabs, and Americans who have visited Israel round out the collection. Pair this with Marc Aronson's Unsettled: the Problem of Loving Israel (S & S, 2008) for a thought-provoking discussion.—Rebecca Donnelly, Loma Colorado Public Library, Rio Rancho, NM
  • 231 pages

Grade 10 Up—This collection of excerpts and essays provides a solid foundation in the history of one of today’s most complex and controversial situations. The introduction is an overview of Zionism and Jewish immigration to Palestine before 1948. Several excerpts from British newspapers discuss the British mandate in Palestine after the First World War and the possibility of establishing a Jewish national home, and selections from leaders from both sides of the country’s divide argue for and against the partition of Palestine into two states, as laid out in the U.N. resolution in 1947. Opposing viewpoints are also presented on the subjects of whom to blame for the area’s instability and whether Palestinian refugees should be allowed the right of return. Personal narratives from Israelis, Arabs, and Americans who have visited Israel round out the collection. Pair this with Marc Aronson’s Unsettled: the Problem of Loving Israel (S & S, 2008) for a thought-provoking discussion.—Rebecca Donnelly, Loma Colorado Public Library, Rio Rancho, NM


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